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Paul Hively is dedicated to:


Learn more about Paul's stance on a variety of topics: 

Elevating Academic Excellence

Our district's student competency rates and test scores are alarmingly low, leaving many dissatisfied. Despite this, the current board remains unchanged in its approach. I am committed to prioritizing and revitalizing academic excellence for our students.

Return to Fundamentals 

In our tech-savvy world, society has grown arrogant. We’ve abandoned time-tested educational strategies for flashy, new methods. But where are the results? Test scores are down. Graduate competency rates are falling. The promised improvements? Nowhere to be seen. It's time to return to what works. I'll discard the overhyped and underperforming methods. Let’s bring back the proven strategies that have served us well for decades.

Parental Rights

No one has a greater stake in a child's education than his or her parents, but our educational leaders have strayed far from this truth. To many on the current board, parents are seen as obstacles rather than valued partners—it's clear why parents are frustrated and feel ignored. I will work to ensure that parents' voices are heard and keep family well-being at the forefront of the board's decision-making.

Financial Accountability

The district faces a spending problem, not a revenue issue. I aim to reduce costs from contractors and third-party suppliers, ensuring that teacher and classified employee salaries remain protected. Prioritizing these salaries boosts teacher morale and academic performance, ultimately benefiting taxpayers.

Our Financial Future: Vote NO on Bond Measure H-24

This November, our community faces some critical decisions; Three board seats are up for election and we've been introduced Measure H-24—a staggering $143 million bond proposal.  Back in 2016, voters approved a $170 million bond, which we are still paying off. Now, amid unprecedented inflation (affecting housing, food, and fuel costs), the district is seeking additional funds. Working families are already battling these rising expenses, and the proposal of another $143 million bond seems out of touch with our current economic reality.

Vote NO on Bond Measure H-24.  
As for the three board seats?
Vote YES for Paul Hively, Paul Bischoff and Mike Fuller. We've got your back. 

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